There are 119 hotel rooms in the Bazaleti lake hotel there, among them: 12 are standard single rooms, 24 are 1,5 roomed appartments, 29 are two roomed apartments and there are also 54 high class three roomed apartments, which are arranged in cottages. Three roomed appartments A total area of three roomed apartment is 90 sq. m. Rooms are fully equipped. It has a living-room, two bedrooms, mini-kitchen, two wet-spot(dots), frige, bar, comfortable and high class furniture, satellite tv-broadcasting, internet (wi-fi), conditioner etc. Two roomed appartments A total area of two roomed appartment is 45 sq. m. It has living-room, one bed-room, comfortable and high class furniture, wet-spot, a big balcony, frige, satellite tv-broadcasting, internet (wi-fi), conditioner etc. 1,5 roomed appartments A total area of 1,5 roomed appartment is 30 sq. m. It has small living-room, one bed-room, comfortable and high class furniture, wet-spot, a big balcony, frige, satellite tv-broadcasting, internet (wi-fi), conditioner etc. One roomed appartments A total area of one roomed appartment is 25 sq. m. It has bed-room, comfortable and high class furniture, wet-spot, a big balcony, frige, satellite tv-broadcasting, internet (wi-fi), conditioner etc. Nowadays the Bazaleti Lake Hotel can simultaneously receipt 350-400 visitors.
Prices 1 one room apartment for one person (including three times meal)----------110 USD 1 one room apartment for two persons(including three times meal)--------- 140 USD 1,5 room apartment for two persons(including three times meal)------------- 160 USD 2 room apartment for two persons (including three times meal)--------------180 USD 2 room apartment for three persons (including three times meal)------------- 200 USD 3 room apartment for four persons (including three times meal)---------------260 USD 3 room apartment for five persons (including three times meal)-------------- 300 USD Price includes:
Hotel price; Three times meal; Room service; Chaise longue; Entertainment; Playing fields; VAT. Each room has: Frige; TV; Telephone; Internet (wi-fi); Conditioner.